- Missing data on the report.
- Information on the report is suppressed despite it should not.
When using the Text Object Formatting option: "Suppress Embedded Field Blank Line" in Crystal Reports, it suppress more text than expected.
- Static text is not field data, if all fields evaluate to blank the static text should also be suppressed
- SAP Crystal Reports 2008
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
- SAP Crystal Reports 2016
- SAP Crystal Reports Developer for Visual Studio SP 24 and below
Reproducing the Issue
- In Crystal Reports, create a report off any data source, that contains a database fields that have data that contains NULL or empty string.
- Add a Text Object in the Details section of the report.
- In the Text Object on the first line, type some text, like: My First Line.
- Still in the Text Object on the second line add 2 database fields, the first one that always returns data, and the second one that returns empty or NULL data for some records.
- Add a third line, with a text like: Third Line.
- Format the Text Object to Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines.
- Right click on the Text Object, and select "Format Text..."
- In the "Format Editor" window, under the tab "Common", check the option: "Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines"
When previewing the report, notice the second line of text of the Text Object is suppressed even when the first database field on the second line contained values.
8. Example of static text:
- F3: ( Static Text: "F3:" - should not be displayed because field is blank )
Note: According to the Crystal Reports Help (F1):
Suppressing blank lines in embedded fields
- The issue has been escalated for a fix.
- Reference: ADAPT01704032.
- Update: The issue has been escalated for a fix.
- Update: Patch to be determined.
- The issue is resolved in the following product updates:
- Crystal Reports 2011:
- Support Pack 09
- Crystal Reports 2013:
- Support Pack 03
- SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio:
- Crystal Reports 2016:
- To be determined
CR, empty value, blank value, suppress embedded field, blank line, suppress embedded field blank line, formatting option, formatting, crystal reports, ADAPT01704032, ADAPT01704033, ADAPT01708261, ADAPT01716211, ADAPT01717158, ADAPT01717159 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed