- License Error and start up failure. Error is “Licenses exist for IQ, but a license containing the configured (PE=UN;LT=UN) attributes could not be obtained”
- Unable to start a development server and Startup complaining about the license.
- After replace the trial license to Demo evaluation license, IQ server could not start up with below error:
Failed to obtain license(s) for IQ_CORE feature from license file(s) or server(s).
Licenses exist for IQ, but a license containing the configured (PE=UN;LT=UN) attributes could not be obtained. Verify that IQ is configured to use the correct type of license, and either reconfigure; or generate and deploy the desired license from the Sybase Product Download Center.
License feature name: IQ_CORE
License search path: /ssw/sybaseiq/15/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/DEMO_201309230949.lic: /ssw/sybaseiq/*.lic
FLEXnet Licensing error:-73,125
Unable to start specified database: autostarting database failed.
Error: No SYSAM License Available No SYSAM License Available
Server failed to start
- It looks existing *.lmp file was not updated/replaced well in spite of new evaluation license.
- Following is contents of downloaded new evaluation license. In license file, PE & LT items look fine value:
#Sybase Software Asset Management License File. EV License for Sybase IQ
#Enterprise Edition IBM AIX 64-bit
SIGN2="0C6F F9E2 5228 6D9B 1D67 B558 0263 C6CC 33D4 7C7C 2372 \
9D83 9B0A 30F6 AC0C 0CC0 BCCB 0C78 869B D1C0 C758 22CD 041B \
FA03 D6A3 37B0 B30B 2FA9 DBB5 82B1"
# License for DEMO
INCREMENT IQ_EE SYBASE 2014.11150 22-nov-2013 uncounted \
PLATFORMS="rs6000_u ppc_u rs64_u" ISSUER="CO=Sybase, \
Inc.;V=15.0;AS=A;" ISSUED=23-sep-2013 NOTICE="Sybase 60 Day \
Evaluation License" SN=9310605539-8298661 TS_OK SIGN2="0271 \
C358 A900 5093 744B C824 30A4 441D DC15 ABFA 0628 B006 AEB9 \
C7BC BC91 1D45 AABA 586D 3D13 CB58 7DE6 EDDC C280 752A CEF7 \
B107 6F4B 40A7 FB5E 78BB"
SAP IQ 15.x
"No SYSAM License Available" , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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