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1920375 - Automatic put back of BPM task in UWL on close of window


You want to know if it is possible to PUT BACK the task automatically i.e. set the status to "READY" again once user closes the task window instead of manually clicking on PUT BACK button available to avoid that other potential owners can access the task in case one potential owner closes the task window by mistake and forgot to PUT BACK the task.



  • SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management (BPM)
  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java


SAP NetWeaver 7.2 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


put back, putback, BPM, task, UWL close window, UI, automatic , KBA , BC-BMT-BPM-DSK , Process Desk , BC-BMT-BPM , Business Process Management (BPM) , How To

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