Views are missing.
- Tables and stored procedures are listed, but not the views.
- When reporting on MS SQL Server in Crystal Reports for Enterprise, the views are not available.
- In Crystal Reports for Enterprise, when using an OLEDB connection to a MS SQL Server database, it does not list the Views, but when connecting using ODBC, it shows the Views.
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1
- Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider
Reproducing the Issue
- In the Information Design Tool (IDT), create a relational connection to the MS SQL Server via an OLE DB conection.
- Save and publish the relational connection to the SAP BusinessObjects Repository.
- In Crystal Reports for Enterprise, create a new report on the relational connection to MS SQL Server created in the Information Design Tool (IDT)
- Notice that it lists tables, and Stored Procdures, but it does not list the Views.
It was a limitation of the Product prior to 4.1 Support Pack 5
- Use an ODBC Connection to SQL Server.
- In versions after Support Pack 5 the issue fixed. Both tables and views are accessible in Crystal Reports for Enterprise when connecting to an OLEDB connection stored in SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform.
See Also
CRforE, SQL Server Views, ole db provider , KBA , BI-RA-CRE , Crystal Reports for Enterprise , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports 2011