Executing DML statements / delta merges fail with the following error logged in the indexserver tracefile of the HANA database:
e UdivMethods UdivMethods.cpp(00111) : Docid overflow in current delta, table: <owner>:<tablename>$delta_1$en |
If the errors occurs while R3load is importing data, the relevant package log contains this output:
column store error: [17] Docid overflow in current delta, table: <owner>:<tablename>$delta_1$en(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2 |
SAP HANA Database
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
non-partitioned table; partitions; R3load import; SLT; BW on HANA; part_id; m_cs_tables; IUUC_REPL_CONTENT; system copy; migration; , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DP-LTR , Use CA-LT-SLT instead , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , Problem
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