In this KBA note you find information about known restrictions of BEx Broadcaster 7x. Please understand the topics as restrictions, not as an error in Broadcaster Functionality. This is how it was designed
- Email subject length in Broadcaster Setting.
- Maximum Size of the file that the broadcaster can broadcast.
- Broadcasting a report in MHTML output format.
- Scheduling a broadcast setting from a browser with hebrew language.
- CC and BCC options in BEx Broadcaster.
- Change of Name of File generated by BEx Broadcaster.
- Change of Owner of Existing broadcast setting.
SAP Netweaver 7.0 or higher
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Broadcaster, Email Subject, MHTML, Hebrew, RTL, CC, BCC, Workbook, broadcast setting, Export, PDF, Excel, Output format, Zip file. , KBA , BW-BEX-ET-BC , Broadcasting , BW-BEX-ET-BC-EP , Portalintegration, Export to the Portal , How To
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