You have a requirement to hide or remove Ship-to field from your Customer Invoice form but there is no option to hide this field in Easy Form Editor. The only option you could find for this field is Show Always.
Basically the field Ship-To is mandatory for Customer Invoice hence it is not possible hide or remove this field in Easy Form Editor.
But, you have remove or hide this field using Adobe LifeCycle Designer tool. The steps are,
1. Go to Application & User Management work center.
2. Go to Form Template Maintenance view under Business Flexibility.
3. Search and find the Customer Invoice form template.
4. Download the form template (or) edit directly using - Open -> Adobe® LiveCycle® Designer
5 In the ALD tool, find the fields and go to Object Palette.
6. Change the Presence as Invisible.
7. To delete the field: go to the Hierarchy in the left side.
8. Find the fields and right click.
9. Press Delete.
10. Save the .XDP file template.
11. Publish the form template.
KBA , easy form editor , adobe lifecycle designer , AP-RC-FF , Forms Flexibility , How To