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1922620 - J2EE Startup fails with exit code 131074 - connect from deployment timed out


The AS Java does not start and the following entries on the dev_jstart log:

[Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(deployment)::onTimer: connect from deployment timed out (30000 ms) - stopping the process. [sfxxproc.hpp 1286]

[Thr 01] *** WARNING => process Deploy_offline (pid <...>) killed (signal 2). [sfuxlib.hpp  854]

[Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot stopped (pid 17039516).
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 1 completed.
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Some processes failed" (STOPPED @ 0, INACTIVE).


*** ERROR => Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 131074.
*** Please see section 'Failures in the 'deploying offline components' phase'
*** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.

[Thr 01] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 22002, retcode 1).


Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 0.


Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 2.



SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions


exit code 131074, exitcode 22002, connectTimeout , KBA , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , Problem

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