The AS Java does not start and the following entries on the dev_jstart log:
[Thr 01] *** WARNING => SfCJavaProcHandler(deployment)::onTimer: connect from deployment timed out (30000 ms) - stopping the process. [sfxxproc.hpp 1286]
[Thr 01] *** WARNING => process Deploy_offline (pid <...>) killed (signal 2). [sfuxlib.hpp 854]
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Process snapshot stopped (pid 17039516).
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE).
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 1 completed.
[Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Some processes failed" (STOPPED @ 0, INACTIVE).
*** ERROR => Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 131074.
*** Please see section 'Failures in the 'deploying offline components' phase'
*** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.
[Thr 01] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 22002, retcode 1).
Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 0.
Node 'deployment' failed with exit code 2.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
exit code 131074, exitcode 22002, connectTimeout , KBA , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , Problem
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