When starting the secondary OpenSwitch mutual aware server this error appears:
date: servername: ERROR: At least one mutual-aware sensitive configuration parameter has been found to be different on the companion and this OpenSwitch.
This mutually-aware server cannot start unless all mutual-aware parameters have the same settings as on its companion.
Please resolve the difference cited in the error messages above before restarting this server.
date: servername: DEBUG: srvlib_error: N16334: SRV_START event aborted srv_run
- OpenSwitch using Open Server version: Sybase Server-Library/15.5/P-EBF19010-19009 ESD #7 ONE-OFF/DRV.15.5.1/RS6000/AIX 5.3 Native Threads/BUILD1550-015/OPT/Thu Apr 14 20:48:21 2011
- OpenSwitch using Open Client version: Sybase Client-Library/15.5/P-EBF19009 ESD #7 ONE-OFF/DRV.15.5.1/RS6000/AIX 5.3 Native Threads/BUILD1550-015/OPT/Thu Apr 14 20:47:41 2011
KBA , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , Problem
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