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1923758 - Error 724 or Abstract Plan Errors may be raised when table names are also abstract plan operator names - SAP ASE


  • Internal Error 724 or Abstract Plan Errors may be raised when modifying the schema of a table with a table name that is also an abstract plan operator name.
    • The exact error, or where it occurs depends on datasets/schema , and the version of ASE it was executed on.

  • Examples

    • Error when modifying the schema of a table to include a name also used by an operator within an Abstract Plan

      Warning: a default (object id <id>) is defined on column 'location' being modified. Check the validity of the default value after this ALTER TABLE operation. Abstract Plan (AP)

    • Error 1530 :

      Msg 1530, Level 16, State 2:
      Server '<ASE SERVER NAME>', Line 1:
      Create index with sorted_data was aborted because of row out of order.  Primary key of first out of order row is '"119040-033A", 20102, " ", "N/A131346", 0, 0'
    • Internal Error 724 together with a stacktrace will be printed in the ASE Errorlog

      Error: 724, Severity: 20, State: 1
      Internal Error: Function 'memalloc' was passed an illegal size value (-8).

      SQL Text: ALTER TABLE store ADD storeno_i int default 0 NOT NULL

      with a stacktrace containing function calls:




SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


SQL names, AP identifiers AP, memalloc, LeSQLRep, IdentifierType, app__parse, ApPlan, OptGlobal, Optimize, 737139, CR737139, CR#737139 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed

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