• Administrator: Android Application policy > Market > "Update" link did not work. [50212, 50363]
• iOS7 devices enrolled for the first time via End User Self Service Portal (EUSSP) as new Afaria clients were not enrolled. [50710]
• After applying the 7SP3AfariaFx20 package, the enrollment of an Android device failed with the client reporting the error, “ConnectRequest exception while decoding request stream : String resource ID #0x0". Also the Afaria log reported "XRS1382", "XRS6004", and "XRS6008" errors. [50856]
• XRS1382: Assigning Client '{[client]}' to User '[name]', failed (hr=80004005). EXPLANATION: A new Client requested to be registered to a user, but the action failed. ACTIONS: Make sure your Database is running.• XRS6004: Error Getting A_CLIENT Recordset EXPLANATION: The database recordset could not be populated. The NT/ADO error code in the Server Log may contain additional information about the failure. Logging may be disabled. [DBAccess] ACTIONS: Depending on the error code, you may need to shut down and restart your server. If the message recurs, you should contact your support representative for assistance.• XRS6008: ADO Data Access Error Occurred. ADO Error: Code = 0x80040e14 (Not a native OS error) ADO Code meaning = IDispatch error #3092 Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description = Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. ADO Error 1 of 1 Number = 0x80040e14 Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description = Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. SQLState = 42000 NativeError = 537 EXPLANATION: An error occurred while attempting to access the logging database connection. The NT/ADO error code in the Server Log or the Operating System Event Log may contain additional information about why the table could not be accessed. [DBAccess] ACTIONS: Depending on the error information, you may need to take one of the following actions: 1) shut down and restart your server, or the database server; 2) reconfigure the database settings by re-running setup; or 3) reconfigure the database server.
SAP Afaria 7 - Service Pack 03 - Hot Fix 06
droid, 7SP3AfariaFx30, 1382 6004 6008 xrs , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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