If IgnoreErrorsIfRSPending in ODBC Datasource is 1, the creation of MS-Access Linked Table fails with #3407 error.
It has been confirmed that this issue appears with SDK 15.7 ESD#7 and above.
#3407 Error: The server's MSysConf table exists, but is in an incorrect format. Contact your system administrator
- SAP Sybase Software Developer Kit (SDK) 15.7 ESD#7
- Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver by Sybase
- Microsoft Access
Sybase SDK 15.7
Error, 3407, MSSysConf, ODBC, MS-Access, Linked Table, CR, 748004, IgnoreErrorsIfRSPending, sybdrvodb, sybdrvodb64, sybdrvodb.dll, sybdrvodb64.dll , KBA , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , Problem
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