SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x (BI 4.x) gives administrators the power to enable live Tracing and Logging for investigating issues on their system. This is very helpful for troubleshooting error messages and failures and can also be very useful for identifying performance bottlenecks.
The steps outlined in the SCN Document shown in the Resolution section will help BI 4.x administrators locate function calls that take a long time to complete. Deeper investigation can be done to determine whether performance optimizations can be made to the process flows.
The steps used are fairly generic as they apply to many different workflows. Below are a few common workflows that may benefit from this type of evaluation:
- Logging on to the BI Launchpad takes a long time to complete
- Reports take longer to run via BI Launchpad then they do in the client designer
- Loading the Connection list takes a long time
- Refreshing a document takes much longer than running the query directly on the database
There are many other scenarios where this may apply as well.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
- SAP Client Plugin Tool (used for End to End tracing in a non-Solution Manager environment)
- GLF Log Viewer
- Excel (for log parsing)
Performance optimization optimize trace e2e glf log start incoming outgoing calls spent excel parse formula , KBA , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , How To
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