After upgrading the Android Afaria client to version 6.60.6242, the following behavior is observed upon connection to the server:
- On the client, the error "The server rejected the connection from this client because the version is incompatible. Please upgrade a client and reconnect it."
- On the server, the following errors are logged: "Afaria","ERROR","XRS1394: Connection refused to client machine b02018277b3fdd7e [user ] EXPLANATION: The client machine is running an unsupported OS [Android]. ACTIONS: Upgrade the client OS to a supported version."
- SAP Afaria 7.0 (pre-Service Pack 3)
- SAP Afaria 6.6
- Android Afaria client 6.60.6242
SAP Afaria 6.6 ; SAP Afaria 7.0
11804656, blowfish, AES, encryption, certificate , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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