The deployment operation in HANA Lifecycle Manager (HLM) fails with the following error:
ERROR Message: Execution of 'Update SAP HANA system from stack.' failed. Detailed Message:"Could not deploy HANA content. Could not update software component(s) on host <hostname>. Could not deploy all delivery units. Repository request failed, cause: Repository: Activation failed for at least one object;At least one error was encountered during activation. Please see the CheckResult information for detailed information about the root cause. All objects without errors have been activated., code: 40,136, argument: Error code 40136.". |
The indexserver trace files on the master node will indicate that there are missing tables or attributes:
ceCalcScenarioModeler.cpp(00420) : The following errors occured: Inconsistent calculation model (34011) Details (Errors): - CalculationNode (P_MSEG) -> inputs -> input (MSEG) -> mappings -> mapping (BUDAT_MKPF): Mapped source attribute BUDAT_MKPF is missing in node MSEG. - CalculationNode (P_MSEG) -> attributes -> attribute (BUDAT_MKPF): Invalid datatype, length or/and scale are missing. - CalculationNode (P_MSEG): Attribute BUDAT_MKPF is missing in node MSEG. - CalculationNode (Join_2) -> attributes -> attribute (BUDAT_MKPF): Invalid datatype, length or/and scale are missing. - CalculationNode (Join_4) -> attributes -> attribute (BUDAT_MKPF): Invalid datatype, length or/and scale are missing. - CalculationNode (P_3) -> attributes -> attribute (BUDAT_MKPF): Invalid datatype, length or/and scale are missing. - CalculationNode (Union_1): Datatype string(8) of BUDAT does not match to datatype unknown0.0.0 of attribute BUDAT_MKPF in node P_3. ceCalcScenarioModeler.cpp(01364) : Scenario '_SYS_BIC:sap.hba.ecc/MfgOrderItemGoodsReceiptsSingleRecords (-1)' consistencyCheck: |
ceCalcScenarioModeler.cpp(00420) : The following errors occured: Inconsistent calculation model (34011) Details (Errors): - CalculationNode (Projection_1) -> inputs -> input (BSEG_ADD) -> mappings -> mapping (KSTAR): Mapped source attribute KSTAR is missing in node BSEG_ADD. - CalculationNode (Projection_1) -> attributes -> attribute (KSTAR): Invalid datatype, length or/and scale are missing. - CalculationNode (Projection_1): Attribute KSTAR is missing in node BSEG_ADD. - CalculationNode (Union_2): Datatype string(10) of KSTAR does not match to datatype unknown0.0.0 of attribute KSTAR in node Projection_1. |
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
Error: 40136, HANA Analytics, BUDAT_MKPF, KSTAR , KBA , HAN-LM-PLT , SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management , Problem
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