A time stream calendar is assigned as production calendar in the location master (transaction /SAPAPO/LOC3) and a day is defined as non-working day in this time stream calendar in transaction /SAPAPO/CALENDAR, but CTM can still create SNP planned production order on this day, which means the day is calculated as working day when CTM schedules the activities of the production order.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management
- SAP Supply Chain Management Multi-Level Supply & Demand Matching (SCM-APO-SDM)
SAP Supply Chain Management all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management all versions
KBA , ctm , SCM-APO-SDM-CTM , Capable-to-Match , How To
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