You got the error message Enter an Exchange Rate in the Credit Card transactions but you are unable maintain to the exchange rate in the expense.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Travel & Expenses Work Center
- Open the Expense Report.
- Open the Credit Card Transaction.
- You will get the error message Enter an Exchange Rate but field is read only.
- Now press the link Use Rate from Configuration.
- You will get the error message No exchange rate available. Please enter a rate or contact your system administrator.
Issue is caused because exchange rate is missing in your system. You can check from the same via steps below.
1. Go to Travel Admin Work Center
2. Under Common Task press the link Update Exchange Rates.
3. Search for relevant currency example USD to GBP.
4. You will find that rates are not available.
Please maintain the exchange rate between relevant currencies to avoid error message.
KBA , LOD-TEM-ER-EXP , Expense Report Silverlight Client , How To
SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1308 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1311 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1402 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1405