Symptom 1
A delta DTP is executed, which immediately produces the dump:
if l_subrc = 0 or l_s_dsseg-psa is initial.
data: l_t_odsreq like rstsodsrequest occurs 0 with header line.
data: l_s_odsreq like rstsodsrequest.
select * from rstsodsrequest into table l_t_odsreq where
odsname = l_s_dsseg-psa.
if sy-subrc = 0.
loop at l_t_odsreq into l_s_odsreq.
select single * from rsseldone into l_s_seldone where
rnr = l_s_odsreq-request.
if sy-subrc = 0.
if l_s_seldone-oltpsource <> l_datasource or
l_s_seldone-logsys <> l_logsys.
if l_s_seldone-oltpsource = l_datasource.
if l_s_seldone-logsys is initial and
l_s_seldone-rnr(4) = 'ODSR'.
*** Ignore - Old CL-Requests had no filled Logsys field...
message x000(rsm).
Symptom 2
An Infopackage is opened/started, which results in the dump:
38 if l_rnr is initial.
39 if i_t_rnr[] is initial and i_t_where[] is initial and
40 i_use_sl_tabs is initial.
>>>>> message x000.
42 endif.
43 endif.
- SAP NetWeaver 2004s
- SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.0
- SAP BW 7.01 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 1)
- SAP BW 7.02 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 2)
- SAP BW 7.03 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 3)
- SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.31 (SAP NW BW 7.3 EnhP 1)
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver 7.41
- SAP NetWeaver 7.50
systemcopy, BI_PROCESS_PSADELETE, RSPROCESS , KBA , BW-WHM-DST , Data Staging , BW-WHM-DST-SRC , Source Systems , Problem
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