On replication of a service transaction to the ECC Controlling the following error "Object link not known in CO (Notification E IAOM 019)" appears in the processing log of the Service transaction.
The error occurs in follow-up documents, most often in billing documents but also in service orders, warranty claim, outgoing royalties settlement, Complaints and service confirmations, it comes from the Accounting Manager from the corresponding ECC System.
Warranty Claims, Invoice, Service confirmation, Service order, CRM CO integration, BUS2000116, BUS2000117, IAOM028, IAOM 028, IAOM019, IAOM 019, Service Rückmeldung, Reklamation, Serviceauftrag, Controlling Integration, ""Object link not known in CO", BILL_ACC_IF, DETERMINE_GLACCOUNT, EXT_OBJECT_ID, C_GL_ACCOUNT, CRM_UPLOAD_CO, CHARACTERISTICS_SERVICE_FILL, , KBA , CRM-BTX-COI-SRV , Controlling Integration Service , CRM-BTX-BF-IF , R/3 Interface for Business Transactions , CRM-BTX-SCO , Service Confirmation , CRM-BTX-COM , Complaints/Returns/In-house Repairs , CRM-BTX-COI , Controlling Integration , CRM-IC-SCO , Confirmation , CRM-IM-IPM , Intellectual Property Management , How To
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