- A Webi report is created that is based on a .unx universe and has multiple queries associated with it.
- One of the queries has combined query filtering.
- The report refreshed fine in BI4 SP04 - Patch 7.
- After upgrading the BI system from BI4 SP04 - Patch 7 to BI4 SP06 - Patch 5, after the report is refreshed, the following error is seen: "An internal error occurred while calling 'processDPCommandsEx' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)"
- BI system was upgraded from SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform BI4 SP04 - Patch 7 to BI4 SP06 - Patch 5.
- The Webi report is based on a .unx universe to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 using OLE DB.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
processing, querying, combining, filtering. unx, WIS_30270, statements , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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