SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1936172 - Error 'Time period for all destinations must be after the start of the trip 28.10.2013' in Expense Report


System shows error Time period for all destinations must be after the start of the trip <date> in an expense report. But you find all entered expense items are within the trip's date range. You want to know the reason of this error message.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open an expense report.
  2. System shows error message Time period for all destinations must be after the start of the trip <date>, wherein the date is the trip's start date. But you can see all expenses in the report are within the trip's date range.


The error is caused by that the entered destination does not have a date or the date is out of the trip's date range.


  1. Open the expense report.
  2. Select the link Add More Destinations in the header.
  3. There should be some entered destinations in Add More Destinations. You need to set a date in the Date column which is within the trip's date range.


KBA , time period for all destinations , expense report , LOD-TEM-IMD-EMP , Employee , How To


SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1308 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1311