- Your Introscope Enterprise Manager (EM) doesn't start.
- The following errors can be found in the Introscope EM logs :
2/19/13 03:23:24 AM EST [INFO] [Manager.EMWebServer] EM webapps port: 8081
2/19/13 03:23:24 AM EST [ERROR] [Manager.EMWebServer] The web server was unable to bind to a port. This could be caused by another EM process binding to the same port.
Exception: Address already in use !MESSAGE Error reading configuration: /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope/product/enterprisemanager/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (Permission denied)
[ERROR] [Manager] The EM failed to start. port out of range:0
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
- Introscope Enterprise Manager (EM) 10.7, 10.8
Error "The web server was unable to bind to a port" While Introscope not running - Solution manager 7.2; This could be caused by another EM or some other process binding to the same port. , KBA , XX-PART-WILY , Introscope by CA Technologies , Problem
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