- Registering a device in SCC (Sybase Control Center) results in an Internal Server Error
- Logged in the Gateway.log file for SCC is an error message indicating a database error regarding a missing index as the below example:
Error 5016: Advantage could not find an index order with the specified name. RI Graph Initialization error: Foreign Key index tag "MODULE_ID" was not found on table "AMP_ERRORS" - Using Advantage Data Architect open the table AMP_ERRORS and right click to review properties. Choose the tab Additional Index Definitions and note that the index tag (order) MODULE_ID does not exist.
- From within Advantage Data Architect (ARC) using SQL execute the following query and note that the index tag (order) MODULE_ID does exist
SELECT * FROM system.indexes WHERE parent = 'amp_errors'
SUP (Sybase Unwired Server) 2.1.x
Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1
KBA , MOB-SUP-RT-SCC , SUP Runtime Sybase Control Center , Problem
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