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1937498 - How does MobiLink handle an update of the same record in a table from different synchronizing remote databases? Can it create deadlock situations and subsequent ROLLBACKs?


  • How does MobiLink handle simultaneous updating of the same record in a table from different synchronizing remotes?
  • Is it possible that MobiLink operations could be involved in a deadlock situation and could be rolled back?



  • SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere (all versions, all platforms)
    • MobiLink Synchronization Server


SAP SQL Anywhere 16.0 ; SAP SQL Anywhere 17.0 ; SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.0 ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 10.0 ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0


11613923, Sybase , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , How To

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