Using PowerBuilder 12.5, Oracle 11g database and SQLCA.DBMS = "O10 Oracle10g (10.1.0)" to connect to the database, the customer is unable to create pipeline objects. The Oracle 11g tables include unicode datatypes, nchar and nvarchar2 and he cannot see them when creating the pipeline.
- Customer is not able to see the table columns with Oracle 11g unicode datatypes when creating a pipeline
- If tables do not include Oracle 11g unicode datatypes, the tables are available and the pipelines work as expected.
- SAP Sybase PowerBuilder 12.5.2
- SQLCA.DBMS = "O10 Oracle10g (10.1.0)
- Oracle 11g database
PowerBuilder 12.5
KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Problem
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