- When displaying/changing address data for a customer, vendor, etc, the error message "Internal error - DB and COMM_A_P_IN_MEMORY incompatible" is thrown
The error message can be thrown in many different transactions and applications where addresses are being used
The error can be seen as a pop-up message or in a short dump - When displaying a user in SU01, dump below occurs:
Category ABAP programming error
Details in the Short dump are as follows
Runtime Errors MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Application Component BC-SRV-ADR
SAP Business Technology Platform
SAP basis release independent
AM891, AM 891, DB, COMM_A_P_IN_MEMORY, COMM_A_IN_MEMORY incompatible, CL_ADDR_PERSISTENCY_SZA0, MESSAGE_TYPE_X, SAPLSZA1, LSZA1002, D0100_READ_ADDRESS, Internal error - DB and COMM_A_IN_MEMORY incompatible, DB and COMM_A_IN_MEMORY, DB and COMM_A_IN_MEMORY incompatible, , KBA , db and comm_a_p_in_memory incompatible , db and comm , comm , in_memory , incompatible , BC-SRV-ADR , Address Management / Business Address Services , Problem
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