You open an expense report and system shows error No second account determination group found for expense type paid by company. You wonder what may cause this error message.
Reproducing the Issue
- Open an expense report.
- In the report you assign some credit card transactions so some expense items have Credit Card source tag.
- System shows error No second account determination group found for expense type paid by company.
The error may be caused by there is no account defined for the credit card issuer or the transaction date is out of the corresponding entry's validity period in Credit Card-Related Accounts.
- Go to the Travel Admin work center.
- Select the Manage Credit Card-Related Accounts view under Common Tasks.
- In order to assign credit card transactions in the expense report you need to define an entry here corresponding to the credit card issuer. Select the Add Row button.
- Select the proper entry in the column Credit Card Issuer and Credit Card Clearing Type.
- Select a proper account in the column Offset Account ID.
- Set validity period in Valid From and Valid To. Note if the assigned credit card transaction date in the expense report is out of the validity period of the corresponding entry here, system will show the above error message.
- Select the Save button.
KBA , LOD-TEM-ADM , Travel Administration , How To
SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1308 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1311