RFC connections to the SLD (e.g. SLD_UC, SLD_NUC, SAPSLDAPI) results error message:
Connection Error Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=27 thRc=6 ERROR: timeout during allocate of registered program LOCATION: SAP-Gateway on host <hostname> / <port> DETAIL: TP SLD_UC init/busy for more than 60 sec COMPONENT: SAP-Gateway COUNTER: MODULE: gwr3cpic.c LINE: RETURN CODE: 677 SUBRC: 0 RELEASE: TIME: VERSION: 2 |
- SAP AS NetWeaver 7.40 and lower;
- System Landscape Directory (SLD).
Fehler beim Öffnen einer RFC-Verbindung, SMGW, disconnecting, Protocol: Registered communication, has_deallocated, REG_COMMUNICATION, [UP] Local processing, queue size: 100, MaxQueueSize , KBA , BC-CCM-SLD , System Landscape Directory / Component Repository , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-MID-CON-JCO , Java-Connector , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , BC-CCM-SLD-JAV , System Landscape Directory Java Client & Server , BC-CCM-SLD-ABA , System Landscape Directory ABAP Connectivity , Problem
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