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1938718 - Error 624 is raised on ptnid 8 (syslogs) after restarting RepAgent - SAP ASE and SRS


  • Execution of "dbcc settrunc(ltm, ignore)" releases the secondary truncation point of the current database.
  • The rs_zeroltm procedure has NOT been run in the RSSD database.
  • SAP RepAgent for that database restarted.
  • Restarting RepAgent results in Error 624 pointing to the partition id 8 (syslogs):

Started Rep Agent on database, '<pdb_name>' (dbid = #).
Error: 624, Severity: 21, State: 1
Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database '<pdb_name>' because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page. Rid pageid = 0x#; row num = 0x#. Page pointer = 0x#, pageno = #, status = 0x1, ptnid = 8, indexid = 0, level = 0.
server Rep Agent Thread for database '<pdb_name>' (dbid = #) terminated abnormally with error. (major 0, minor 24)



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 
  • SAP Replication Server (SRS)


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; SAP Replication Server all versions ; SAP Replication Server, heterogeneous edition all versions ; SAP Replication Server, real-time loading edition all versions ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; Sybase Replication Server software all versions ; Sybase Replication Server, heterogeneous edition all versions ; Sybase Replication Server, real-time loading edition all versions


RepServer, Sybase, CR#807666, CR807666, 807666, CR618817, CR#618817, 618817, CR656135, CR#656135, 656135,  rs_locator , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP-HET , Replication Server Heterogeneous Edition (RSHE) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-REP-RTL , Rep Server Real-Time Loading Edition (RTLE) , BC-SYB-REP-ME , Replication Server Messaging Edition (RSME) , Product Enhancement

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