Encountering read/write problems in IQ, may occur, IQ might fail to read or write data on a table and the log shows the follwing error message:
main Bufman: Incorrect page header read; buffer={btype=13,nlb=16,blk=3437,pbn=2912907180,npb=7,uid=61799794,txn=115885128,sp=2,flgs=0x8418 page={btype=13,nlb=17918,npb=55376,ctr=77
main Bufman: An error was detected on a database page. You may have a damaged index. For additional information, please check your IQ message file or run sp_iqcheckdb.
This kind of error message shows there are some inconsistent errors in the IQ database, using sp_iqcheckdb to check the table or the whole database to confirm the problem.
As a next step, the DBCC command "sp_iqcheckdb 'verify database'" or "sp_iqcheckdb 'verify table <table_name>'", was run and reports of inconsistent indexes were detected.
This is a sample output of sp_iqcheckdb:
Index Summary | |
** Inconsistent Index | |
Count |1 |*****
Verified Index | |
Count |85 |
Index Statistics | |
** Inconsistent Index |contact.DBA.idx01_HNG |*****
Verified Index |fin_data.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T209_C3_HG |
Verified Index |fin_data.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T209_C4_FP |
Verified Index |employee.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T212_C19_FP |
Verified Index |employee.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T212_C20_FP |
Verified Index |iq_dummy.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T213_C1_FP |
** Extra Index RIDs |5 |*****
FP Indexes Checked |68 |
HNG Indexes Checked |1 |
HG Indexes Checked |17 |
| |
In this output, there is one inconsistent index "contact.DBA.idx01_HNG" detected.
Actually, sp_iqcheckdb may report many other errors, the following table lists those messages which are reported for problems that DBCC cannot repair:
DBCC message |
Description/action |
FP Lookup Table Inconsistencies |
An unrepairable error, where the 1-byte or 2-byte FP is internally inconsistent. |
VDO Incorrect First Available Fields VDO Incorrect Next Available Fields VDO Incorrect Used Count Fields VDO Incorrect In-use Bitvec VDO Incorrect In-use Bitmap VDO Incorrect Partial Bitmap VDO Incorrect Deleted Bitmaps |
Unrepairable errors that can cause entire tables to be inaccessible. You must force drop the inconsistent table to resolve these errors. |
Blocks with Multiple Owners 1st Multiple Owner PBN |
Blocks in use by more than one database object. Drop the object that is reported as inconsistent. |
DBCC Meta-data Errors Blockmap Invalid Chunksize Error Count Blockmap Compression Bit Error Count Blockmap Invalid Block Number Error Count |
An internal page mapping structure is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped. |
DBCC Inconsistent Disk Block Headers DBCC Decompress Errors |
The storage for the object is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped. |
What is the next step?
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
drop, force_drop, FORCE_DROP, inconsistent object, sp_iqcheckdb, sp_iqrebuildindex, repair, FP index, DBCC message, problem, corrupt , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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