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1939330 - Diagnostics Agent is not able to connect the SAPStartSrv service of the Managed System


The SAPStartSrv provides several information’s about the instance status of the managed systems, if the connection between the SMDAgent and SAPStartSrv service of the managed instance does not work some applications may start to fail. Some symptoms are the following:

  1. After performing the managed system configuration for a SAP Netweaver JAVA system, the SMDAgentApplication logs show the following issue to access the SAPControl Web Service.

<timestamp> [Thread[SapStartSrv_<instance>,5,WILYHOS...] Warning - doRun:  
java.rmi.RemoteException.Service call exception; nested exception is: Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. The requested
URL was:http://<hostname>:5<XX>13/SAPControl.cgi

{0} [SAPControlWSCollector.collect] Web Service execution failed for operation: ReadLogFile. Collector : [SAPControlWSCollector]
Id: 00000000000000000012, SID: XXX, instance number:00


  1. The step "Check Configuration" of Managed System Configuration show the error below:
The Diagnostics Agent is not able to connect the Satellite System (J2EE stack).

<timestamp> [Thread[SapStartSrv_<instance>,5,WILYHOS...] Warning - doRun:  
java.rmi.RemoteException: Service call exception; nested exception is: Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. The requested URL

  1. Technical System Monitoring metrics for the instances are grey:

The metrics which uses the SAPStartSrv commands for exaxmple: J2EEGetProcessList, ReadLogFile, ABAPReadSyslog and ListLogFiles can be affected by the problem. When this problem occurs, the e2emai.log of affected SMDAgent will show an error similar to the following:

Original error : [EXCEPTION] [SAPControlWSCollector.collect] Web Service execution failed for operation: AbapReadSysLog. Collector : [SAPControlWSCollector]
Id: 00000000000000000001, SID: SOL, instance number:00 [SAPControlWSCollector.collect] Web Service execution failed for operation: AbapReadSysLog. Collector : [SAPControlWSCollector]
Id: 00000000000000000001, SID: SOL, instance number:00


  1. The extractor 'CONFIGURATION (OS COMMAND)' which fails with the following error:
Exception while retrieving E2EStore - Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. The requested URL was:"http://<managed_system_host>:5XX13/SAPControl.cgi"

The following picture describes the error in the extractor:


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  • SAP Solution Manager 7.10
  • SAP Solution Manager 7.20
  • Managed System with note 1439348 implemented


SAP Solution Manager 7.1 ; SAP Solution Manager 7.2


KBA , SV-SMG-DIA-WLY-HST , Host Adapter , Problem

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