- Web Intelligence report running against UNX Universe or BICS does not display objects in the same order as the query
- Resulting WebI table shows the order as Dimension, Detail then Measure
- Changing the WebI table corrects the issue, but exports to XLS or CSV still show the Dimension, Detail, Measure order
SAP Business Intelligence 4
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
WebI WebIntelligence Web Intelligence dimension key figure keyfigure measure detail attribute text object out of order bex sequence group BW BICS mixed up query changes different not same xls xlsx Excel csv comma delimited export save as wrong ADAPT01711542 ADAPT1711542 ADAPT 01711542 1711542 5000532143 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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