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1940295 - Deployment is failing due to the container is not available


While deploying DC you are getting the error similar to the following:

Exception while [validating application <vendor>/XXX.

The Deploy Service called the following containers:


to process it but none of them returned information about deployed components.

The registered containers at this moment were [KMContentHandler,, utl_handler, developmentserver, Monitoring Configurator, component.info_handler, ConfigFwkContainer, servlet_jsp, connector, classification_handler, CTCContainer, JDBCConnector, PortalRuntimeContainer, Content Container, ecm_content_handler, dbcontentcontainer, src.zip_handler, scheduler~container, PCD Content Deployment Handler, ConfigFwkContentHandler, ConfigurationsContainer, orpersistence, appclient, JMSConnector, Cluster File System, Cache Configuration Upload,, SCA Composites Container, metamodelrepository, eden_handler, textcontainer, uddi_handler, MigrationContainer,, webservices_container, dbschemacontainer,, EJBContainer, MDRContainer, SEAHandler, SAP-EU-GP, app_libraries_container].

Possible reason:

An AS Java service, which is providing a container and is required for deployment, is stopped or not deployed.


Contact the owners of application <vendor>/XXX to point you to

the containers that need to be available and started on the system for successful deployment.].



  • SAP NetWeaver all releases
  • SAP Composition Environment all releases


SAP Composition Environment all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


"The registered containers at this moment", "An AS Java service, which is providing a container and is required for deployment, is stopped or not deployed." , KBA , BC-JAS-DPL , Deployment , How To

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