When using MobiLink to synchronize a SQL Anywhere or UltraLite database, it is important to match the column names of the remote columns to the named script parameter columns that are specified inside synchronization scripts. If the column names from the remote do not match the named parameters specified in the synchronization scripts, the following errors on the MobiLink Synchronization Server are possible:
- [-10002] Consolidated database server or ODBC error: ODBC: %1 - where %1 is the text of the ODBC error from the consolidated database
- [-10201] Binding of parameter %1 requires value to be of type '%2', but a '%3' was supplied
- [-10232] Column names must be set in the ml_column table or uploaded from the remote client to use named row parameters
- [-10280] The number of columns in client table '%1' does not agree with the number defined in ml_column
- [-10281] In table '%1', the column named '%2' in the ml_column table has an index greater than the number of remote columns
If the consolidated database is Oracle, the error message: "ORA-06550: line X, column Y: PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type" is possible to be returned from the generic -10002 consolidated ODBC error.
- SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere (all versions)
- MobiLink Synchronization Server
11612332 ml sqla , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem
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