You received error message HTTP 404 not found while trying to approve Trip Request via link available in approval E-mail Notification.
Reproducing the Issue
- You received an e-mail for approval of trip request.
- Once you pressed the link in the e-mail for approval, You got the error message HTTP 404 not found.
User does not have authorization to use Approvals Work center because Business Role Approver is not assigned in Access rights.
- Go to the Application & User Management Work center.
- Go to User and Access Management View and open Business User
- Find the User and press Edit, Access rights.
- Go to Business Role Assignment.
- Assign the User to Business role Approver.
KBA , http 404 , approve trip request , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To
SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1708 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1308