Error message: “Failed while calling the ‘Profitability and Cost Management (PCM)’ system to perform the ‘getModelList’ action” is displayed when creating a PCM Datastore. Clicking the 'Test' button to try to return a list of valid PCM models produces the error.
- SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM) 10.0
- Financial Information Management (FIM) 10.0
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 7.0 and 7.5
SAP Financial Information Management 10.0 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0
PCM,PCM10,configure,data store,datastore,FIM,create,getModelList,action,failed,error,profitability,cost,test button,IIS,enable,32-bit,64-bit,app pool,pool,config , KBA , 3rd party tools config and system admin , EPM-FIM-GEN , General , EPM-PCM-CFG , Configuration , Problem
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