- Web Intelligence Process Server restarts or errors when report using filter is refreshed multiple times:
- “An internal error occured while calling processDPCommandsEx API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)”
- WebI Processing Servers produce errors and sometimes restarts when refreshing against ODBC / OLEDBdatasources with specific version of the Microsoft data drivers
- Related issues have been found to occur with loading Dashboards and refreshing against other data sources such as Oracle multiple times.
- SAP Business Intelligence 4
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
- Web Intelligence
- Microsoft OLEDB / ODBC
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
WebI WebIntelligence Web Intelligence WIS30270 WIS 30270 ERR_WIS_30270 processDPCommandsEx API processDPCommands process DP Commands Oracle dashboard many OLEDB ODBC MDAC Microsoft data access refresh prompts parameter list of values LOV run query multiple times repeatedly intermittent sporadic driver version ADAPT01712966 ADAPT1712966 ADAPT 01712966 1712966 5000534379 ADAPT01713955 ADAPT1713955 ADAPT 01713955 1713955 5050159573 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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