After upgrading from SUP 2.1 to SUP 2.2 SP04 we are receiving this error when trying to run the program for extracting user list from SUP DB.
Error described in the documentation:
RTC-371 - SUPApplication.getApplicationConnections fails with invalid device ID error.
When the Admin API client attempts to call SUPApplication.getApplicationConnections, the call succeeds if it is limited to devices added after the 2.2.1 upgrade. However, the call fails with devices added when the server was 2.1.x. The customer sees an APPLICATION_CONNECTION retrieve failed Java error:
Workaround: Contact SAP Support for a manual solution.
Normally with SUP 2.2 SP04 this error should not appear anymore, however there are customers who hit this problem even with SP04.
- Sybase Unwired Platform 2.2.x
- Admin API application
KBA , MOB-SUP-SCC , Sybase Control Center Administration , Problem
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