During the export phase of a system copy, SWPM Tool (SAP Note 1680045) fails with an error message:
ERROR 2013-11-28 07:40:46.265 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:901]
FCO-00011 The step checkIfSIDADMCanAccessExportDir with step key |NW_Export_Database_Systems_With_AS_Java|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Export|ind|ind|ind|ind|export|0|NW_Java_Export_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|javaUnload|0|NW_JAVA_Export_DB_PREPARE|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|checkIfSIDADMCanAccessExportDir was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step: Execution of the command "touch /<export dump path>/JAVA/testFileForSAPinst" finished with status TST_ERROR.).
where "/<export dump path>/JAVA" is your export directory.
Further checking the sapinst_dev.log you find an entry like:
ERROR 2013-11-28 07:40:44.745
MUT-03010 Execution of the command "touch /<export dump path>/JAVA/testFileForSAPinst" finished with status TST_ERROR.
again, /<export dump path>/JAVA" is replaced with the path to your export directory.
/testFileForSAPinst" finished with status TST_ERROR.">
- Any Unix operating system (AIX, Solaris, Linux...)
- All SWPM/sapinst releases
touch, testFileForSAPinst, FCO-00011, TST_ERROR, export, system copy, MUT-03010, sapinst, SWPM , KBA , BC-INS-UNX , Installation Unix , Problem
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