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1951541 - promotion job fails for some objects when promoting with security


  • In BI4.1, Jobs fail to promote some objects when choosing to promoting with security (Promote Security) as shown below.  However the objects can be promoted when you choose "Do not promote security".


  • In this case, job ends with partial success while promoting reports (webi ). The failed objects appear to be user groups. When the user groups are promoted by themselves, they promote without error.
  • This behavior is seen when promoting live to live promotions as well as export/importing lcmbiar files. The same workflow may succeed in BI4.0 version.
  • The jobs that partially succeed have objects which fail with errors as seen below:
    • Resolution Status=Copied, Dependency Status=All the required dependencies are included., Commit Status=Commit attempted and failed., Promotion Status=Failure :
      4 exceptions occurred Detail for exception 1: Object not found (7528) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object Detail for exception 2: Object not found (7529) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object Detail for exception 3: Object not found (7530) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object Detail for exception 4: Object not found (7531) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object
    • Resolution Status=Mapped(Administrators), Dependency Status=All the required dependencies are included., Commit Status=Commit attempted and failed.,
      Promotion Status=Failure : The property list(s) 'SI_ADM_ADD_SUBUSERGROUPS_TO_USERGROUP, SI_ADM_ADD_SUBUSERGROUPS_TO_USERGROUP' committed on the object named 'Administrators' with id number 2 contained reference(s) to non-existant object(s) with id number(s) 7532, 7535. The server supplied the following details: Objects being added to relation does not exist ,Failure : 2 exceptions occurred Detail for exception 1: Object not found (7532) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object Detail for exception 2: Object not found (7533) The server supplied the following details: Rights diff references missing object
    • Resolution Status=Copied, Dependency Status=All the required dependencies are included., Commit Status=Commit attempted and failed., Promotion Status=Failure : Must create object under it's defined root folder


  • The IDs mentioned in the failures above change with each attempt and may not necessarily return any data in infostore queries as they appear to be temporary objects.





  • SAP BI Platform 4.0, 4.1 and above
  • All supported operating platforms


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1


BI41 BI4.1 4.1 4.0 LCM webi webintelligence fail , KBA , 4.1 , bi , promotion , promote with security , lcm , 4.2 , 4.0 , BI-BIP-LCM , Lifecycle Management Console - Promotion mgmt, Version mgmt , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem

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