- In a web application, you are using the module
<bi:MOD_REFERENCE value="" />
to copy data from Excel into the web application.
- When paste a small amount of data, they are saved successfully.
- When paste a relatively bigger amount of data (for example, paste more than 50 lines) into the application, they are not saved.
- BW system
- BW 7.3x
SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
new row, new record, web template, inputable, input ready, intergrated planning, java script, js, copy/paste, copy and paste, inputable query, MOD, MOD_SELECT,, upload, 50 rows , KBA , BW-PLA-IP , Integrated Planning , BW-BEX-ET-WJR , BEx Web Java Runtime , How To
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