SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1954743 - Contact Details under Business Communication in the Business Partner Data is Greyed Out


The fields for contact details under the Business Communication are greyed out in the Business Partner Data workcenter.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Partner Data work center.
  2. Select the Business Partners view.
  3. Search for the business partner id and click on Edit button.
  4. Navigate to Business Partner Roles and click on the link Contact Person.
  5. Click on the button View All.

 Here the contact details under the Business Communication are in greyed out mode.


The cause for the issue is, the address field under the Business Address is not maintained.


To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Business Partner Data work center.
  2. Select the Business Partners view.
  3. Search for the business partner id and choose the Edit button.
  4. Go to Business Partner Roles and click on the link Contact Person
  5. Click on the button View All.
  6. Maintain the address in the Address field under Business Address.

Once you maintain this address, the contact fields under the Business Communication will get enabled.


KBA , AP-LP , Lead Processing , How To


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