- In Replication Server 15.x, column objname from system table rs_objects has been expanded to varchar(255).
- In earlier versions, it is defined as varchar(30). But the length identifier of column subname from rs_subscriptions has not changed, i.e it's varchar(30).
- The problem is if the table is 28 characters long and you have a repdef with a prefix LN_ which that takes it to 31 characters for the replication definition, and your standard is to have a postfix _s at the end of the subscription, then this takes it to 33 characters and you are prevented from implementing a scripted solution to your replication and have to rework repdefs and subscriptions.
SAP Replication Server (RS) 15.6 and earlier
SAP Replication Server all versions
KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Product Enhancement
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