SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

1957014 - DUMP TRANSACTION fails with error 7227: "Can't open a connection ... because ASE is not configured for remote access" - SAP ASE


  • Any attempt to execute DUMP DATABASE or DUMP TRANSACTION, even solely on the local server, fails with ASE errors 7227 and 3220

1> dump database model to '/tmp/model.dmp'
2> go

Msg 7227, Level 17, State 4:
Server 'SYBASE', Line 1:
Can't open a connection to site 'SYB_BACKUP' because ASE is not configured for remote access. Ask a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE to allow remote access.
Msg 3220, Level 17, State 5:
Server 'SYBASE', Line 1:
Could not establish communication with Backup Server 'SYB_BACKUP'. Please make sure that there is an entry in Sysservers for this server, and that the correct server is running.

  • Execution of sp_configure "allow remote access"  shows the following:

1> sp_configure 'allow remote access'
2> go
 Parameter Name                 Default     Memory Used
         Config Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
         Run Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
         Unit                 Type
 ------------------------------ ----------- -----------
         -------------------- --------------------
 allow remote access                      1           0
         switch               dynamic



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) all versions


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions


database, remote, tran , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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