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1961125 - How to fix a table with 605 errors - SAP ASE


  • On SAP ASE systems running custom (non-Netweaver) applications, a read failure error is reported in the ASE errorlog:

server  Starting diagnostics for read failure:
server  Device Information:
     Device number = 7
     Phyname = /dev/datadev_02
server  Page Information from first read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 1994188, pptnid = 245572882, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 1994175, pprevpg = 1994055 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x11 pts_hi = 1, pts_lo = 488777306
server  Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 1994188, pptnid = 245572882, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 1994175, pprevpg = 1994055 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x11 pts_hi = 1, pts_lo = 488777306
server  SDES Information:
     dbid = 4, objid = 1008003591, sptnid = 1008003591 scur.pageid = 1994188
server  End diagnostics for read failure:

  • Followed by a stacktrace that inludes functions:


  • And results in Error 605:

server  Run the DBCC command 'dbcc tablealloc' for both the objects, object id = 1008003591, partition id = 245572882.server 
Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1

server  An attempt was made to fetch logical page '1994188' from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database 'xxxxx' (4), object 'xxxxx' (245572882), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition 'xxxxx_245572882' (245572882) and not to database 'xxxxx' (4), object 'xxxxx' (1008003591), index 'xxxxx' (0), partition 'xxxxx_1008003591' (1008003591).



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Not version specific.


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions


corruption, syspartitions, object_name, checktable, checkdb, checkalloc, tablealloc, transient, hardware, severe error, different sort order, system error, restore, crash, object, full extent, configuration block, sort order , _$o1cexoH0.getpage_with_validation , ncinsert , _$o1cexzK0.ins_insert , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To

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