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1961521 - PowerBuilder places line feeds into unnatural place


Sybase PowerBuilder (PowerBuilder) places line feeds into unnatural place in strings in datawindow columns.
The problem takes place when below all conditions are true:

  1. AutoHeight property of the column of the DataWindow is enabled
  2. The string starts with multibyte characters then single byte string follows in the column.
  3. The column width is not enought to place the first multibyte string and following single byte string in one line, but enough for the fisrt multibyte string.

If all above is true, PowerBuilder puts a line feed at just before the last multibyte character of the first multibyte string, instead of after the last multibyte string.
Thus, the next line starts with the last multibyte character of the first multibyte string.



Sybase PowerBuilder 11.5 and higher


SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; Sybase PowerBuilder 11.5 ; Sybase PowerBuilder 12.0


PB, line feed, linefeed, break, linebreak, datawindow, autoheight, multibyte, multi-byte , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed

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