A query is returning unexpected results when multiple selections on the same characteristic are used in nested selections or nested restricted key figures. It seems, that some of the selections/restrictions are ignored.
Sample: In the following query, no data instead of the value 4,00 EUR for Germany (3rd column) might be expected. The restriction 'AT' of the structure element "AT + DE (restricted AT)" seems to be ignored.
The 3rd column "AT + DE (restricted AT)" is a selection that applies to the restricted key figure (RKF) used in column 2 "AT + DE".
The restricted key figure "AT + DE" has the basis key figure 0AMOUNT and is restricted to the countries "AT" and "DE" and is also used on column 2 for better understanding.
- SAP BW 7.X
- SAP BW/4HANA All versions
multiple selections; wrong data; incorrect data; RKF; CKF; restriction , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP , Analyzing Data , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BW4-AE-CORE , Core Services , How To
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