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1964145 - Standalone enqueue server cannot be started with "ft table" error


The standalone enqueue (ASCS or SCS) cannot be started and dev_enqsrv logging the following error:

[Thr 01] *** ERROR => EnsMemObj::Initialize (else): allocation of <XXX> Bytes failed for the ft table, please check parameters enque/max_query_requests and enque/server/query_block_size.
Please see SAP note 834589 for parameter configuration suggestions [<file> <line>]

[Thr 01] *** ERROR => main: Server initialisation failed! Errortext:"EnsMemObj: internal error detected at <file>:<line>
Errorinfo: "EnsMemObj::Initialize"" [<file> <line>]



  • Standalone Enqueue Server (ENSA).
  • Usually reported in AIX systems, but also can affect all Operating System with user limits.


ENSA, sapinit script, ulimit, AIX, sapcontrol -nr <NR> -function OSExecute "/bin/ksh/ulimit -a" 0 0, sapcontrol -nr <NR> -function OSExecute '/bin/csh -c limit' 0 0, <NR> = instance number , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem

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