SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1966696 - Printing two large reports using the PrintOutPutcontroller, printer spooling of the first report is paused until the second report completes spooling


  • An application using the Crystal Reports RAS SDK PrintOutPutcontroller.PrintReport() method.
  • Two reports (report A, report B) of over  800 pages each are printed, one after another.
  • Report A can be seen spooling to the printer spool.
  • Report B is sent to the printer while report A is spooling.
  • Report A stops spooling at this time and only resumes spooling after report B has completed spooling.
  • Printer stops printing report A until repot B has finished spooling, leading to slow downs in printing of reports.


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2008
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (2010 / 2012)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (2010 / 2012)

Reproducing the Issue

  • Create two long running reports (> 800 pages)
  • Create a web application with two buttons for launching report A and report B
  • Use the PrintOutputController.PrintReport() method to print the reports
  • Observe the printer spooler


The issue has been tracked under Problem Report ADAPT01715967.


The issue has been fixed in:

  • SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Fix Pack 6.4 and 7.1.
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 Support Package SP04.


managed report, application server, print, crvs, cr, 2010, 2012, 2008, cr4vs, slow, pause, stop, respond, interrupted, fp6.4, fp7.1, sp04, printoutputcontroller, spooling, large reports, crystal reports,  ADAPT01715967, ADAPT01715968, ADAPT01717148, ADAPT01717149, ADAPT0171750  , KBA , BI-RA-CR-SDK , SDK related, including Java/.NET etc. , Bug Filed


Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio