- More information needed regarding deletion of obsolete batch input sessions and the relevant logs.
- Table TST01 is very large, most of the entries are related to BDCLG* which are batch input logs. For example:
TST01 entries 25,623,203
BDCLG* entries 25,589,063
It is necessary to delete the BDCLG* entries to reduce the size of table TST01.
- There are too many Batch input log files under global directory: AL11->DIR_GLOBAL-> nnnBDCLG (nnn=client number).
It is necessary to delete these files to free the disk space.
- Table APQD or APQI is very large or growing rapidly. Table APQD contains batch input sessions.
It is necessary to reduce the size of APQD.
- EWA report shows "batch input sessions in backlog".
SAP Netweaver.
BDC old session log reorganize reorganization inconsistencies APQI APQD QID BDCLG large TST01 SM35 SM35P , KBA , BC-ABA-SC , Dynpro and CUA engine , How To
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